Ganesh, also known as Ganesha, is a widely revered Hindu deity known as the remover of obstacles and the god of beginnings and wisdom. His songs, often sung during Ganesh Chaturthi, celebrate his birth and his virtues. One popular story behind these songs is the tale of how he acquired his elephant head. According to legend, Parvati, his mother, created Ganesh from clay to guard her while she bathed. Shiva, unaware of Ganesh’s identity, beheaded him in a misunderstanding. To appease Parvati, Shiva replaced Ganesh’s head with that of an elephant, granting him new life and divine wisdom.
These Ganesh hindi Bhajan will not only make your calls devotional but will also awaken the feeling of devotion towards Ganesh in your heart. Download these ringtones and fill your phone with the blessings of Ganesh. Which of these song will you choose for your phone? Let us know in the comments!
This Ganesh song , fill your phone with the devotion of Ganesh and make the celebration even more special!