Once, during a grand gathering of gods, Narada Muni proposed a race around the universe to decide who among Kartikeya and Ganesha was wiser. Kartikeya, riding his peacock, swiftly set off on his journey. However, Ganesha, known for his wisdom, simply circled his parents, Lord Shiva and Parvati, saying they symbolized the universe. Impressed by his devotion and understanding, the gods declared Ganesha the winner. This story is often remembered during Ganpati Bhajans, emphasizing the power of wisdom, devotion, and understanding over sheer speed and strength, celebrating Ganesha as the remover of obstacles and patron of intellect.
These Ganpati bhajan will not only make your calls devotional but will also awaken the feeling of devotion towards Ganpati Bappa in your heart. Download these bhajan and fill your phone with the blessings of Ganpati Bappa. Which of these song will you choose for your phone? Let us know in the comments!
This Ganesh Chaturthi, fill your phone with the devotion of Ganpati Bappa and make the celebration even more special!